New from template — filename bug (?)

When creating a new patch from one of my own templates, a new patch name isn’t randomly created each time. New patches using the default templates work as expected, with a new randomly generated file name each time. My new patches are all getting the same name. I believe that this was working correctly before the most recent update.

Additional details:
I’ve reproduced this issue on iOS (iPad) and MacOS
I’m using iCloud Drive to store all the MiRack files — including the templates

Please let me know if there are other details I can provide or things to test.

Hi @andrew, when you create a new patch from your template, do you duplicate the template ? And then create the patch in the duplicate?

Also what version of miRack are you on ?

Hi @Runcell,
I’m on 3.61 on both platforms.
When I create a new patch from the template, I’m not duplicating anything (as that would defeat the function of the templates).

  1. I have a starting patch called “16ch-Mixer-template” that is stored in miRack/Templates.
  2. I select “New from Template” from the Patch menu and get the default options (Generator, Effect, Midi Generator) and also my 16ch-Mixer starter file.
  3. I select my template
  4. The resulting new patch is named “Geevtaso”
  5. I edit the patch etc, save it, close it.
  6. I create a new patch with New from Template
  7. I select my template
  8. The resulting new patch is (also) named “Geevtaso” (and will overwrite my previous patch that was created using the same template)

Using the default templates, each time I select New from Template, the new patch gets a randomly generated name — which is what I’d expect when using my own template. And I’m almost positive that it did actually work this way before the most recent update… right? :thinking:

It’s a bug with custom templates, I’ll fix it in the next update.


Thanks for the extra details @andrew. I can confirm you’re right :+1: it did operate the way you explain in previous versions because I’m still on 3.58.
Hope you’ve not lost anything special.

All the best

@Runcell - glad I hadn’t lost my mind (completely). I didn’t lose anything important… modular noodling is all about happy accidents anyway :grinning:

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Honestly I don’t think this ever worked correctly for custom templates.

And honestly I only checked the preset templates “sorry” . Glad you’re onto it/me :lying_face: @pronvit

I have my own template in the saved list and manually duplicate it for each new patch. Never got round to putting it in the templates folder ! Never had any problems like this.
A little worrying that it will write over a patch with same name.

@andrew, I would suggest doing this.

@Runcell — I hear ya. For now I’ve been starting a new patch and immediately saving it and changing the (duplicated) filename to some lazy variation with the date and time. TBH, the way it works with the built-in presets is ideal and fits my current “workflow” perfectly.
@pronvit, I’m definitely glad this will get fixed :+1:

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