mscHack Synth Drums

For those of you who use Synth Drums by mscHack and bothered by it’s latency, my tests indicate that it’s about 20.5ms late, if you care to compensate.

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Hi @jorhay1, i will have a go with it and see if I have the same.

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I appreciate the convenience of the module. It packs a basic 3 voice analog drum piece in a small space, with a low cpu foot print.

The voltage input necessary to get sound out of it is bizarre and a pita, but it is nice to be able to program dynamics and accents. I’ve used sample and hold modules, and a few others to extend the voltage, and get some decent release times from its built in EG.

2 of them play real nice with the Impromptu Big Button 2 and a 12 Key, for a quick and fun 6 voice analog style drum machine. The BB2 even has the sample and hold built in to extend the voltages.

Hi @jorhay1, I’ve had a go with ‘synth drums’… and I didn’t get any latency. I used FOUNDRY from iMPROMPTU as the sequencer and I plugged a constant 10v from SUBMARINE SS221 to the level input to hold the level up. You can also use the same gate/trigger (from seq) to the level input and that will fire synth drum at full vol each time.

What are you using to measure 20ms delay from your clock source to the trigger input.?

  • I will try the BB2 seq

What was your method of testing and what did you test/compare the Synth Drum module against?

What I did:

I took a gate/trigger from several sequencers, including Foundry, the Phrase Sequencers, Big Button, mscHack 6x32, and just the clock output of Clocked, split it, and sent one side to Synth Drums, and the other side to different sources, such as an Autodafe drum module, or a cf’s ‘Play’ sampler module with a nice sharp transient attack.
Then I feed the respective outputs into Submarine’s Envelope Oscilloscope and compared the timing, and found that the Synth Drum module triggers late.
I then used the oscilloscope and MI’s Signal Delay module to measure the delay, and found it to be around 20ms late.

All this because although I like the convenience of Synth Drums, for me it’s feel and groove sounded sluggish and loose. I’m very picky about groove and like my drums tight.

After compensating for the delay, I now find the feel and groove of Synth Drums to be funky, tight, and in the pocket. 100% better.

Constant voltage modules work well, but don’t give one the ability to have dynamics, different volumes, or accents, the very reason to have a voltage associated with the trigger. In that regard a sample and hold works better as it holds the voltage until the next pulse.

Using one of Impromptu’s PSs or Foundry, as you suggested, also works well with cv as long as one ties notes. If one doesn’t tie notes, the voltage will revert to the default (or programmed) voltage on the next step. This can stop the release of the EG, even if there is no trigger and can cause nasty clicks. (It also can cause some cool effects)
Foundry’s CV2 is good because it can send a higher voltage than CV1’s 1vlt/oct. (Synth Drum seems to take a voltage of up to 15 volts, so 5 volts from a 1vlt/oct limits it’s volume/dynamic range), and then use CV1 to sequence the pitch of the drum, unlocking the full potential of the module. Cool stuff indeed!

Thank you for taking the time, checking it out, and responding. I’d be interested in your test method, and would like to try it. I find it so interesting and great to be able to interact with people and share our experiences.

Rock On Brother!

I see. I just used it from the sequencer and sounded fine, but it’s when other drum modules are used it - like you say - sounds sluggish. I like my drums tight as well.
I’ve done what you described, taken one gate/trig source and split it, one to synth drum and the other to autodafe drum module. I’ve used the submarine oscilloscope/s and I see exactly what you mean.!
I’ve attached a pic below, left scope is Autodafe drum, right scope is synth drum… both are running from the same clock.


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