I don’t know if this would even be possible. It probably would take some development since it doesn’t exist yet… Anyway, I was watching a two part presentation with Émilie from mutable all about their design process which was very interesting. The second part was a demo of the modules, and they had their version of Ears as an input.
It got me thinking, this doesn’t really exist in virtual form, but maybe something could be done using the iOS touch input or some kind of apple pencil surface. It has ridges that if you scrape along it you get a certain sound. I just think it might be fun to have some unique input like this available.
Someone just suggested grayscale’s permutation to me but it looks like they are just free, not open source. Well I see some source on github, but I think its for the actual module not the virtual one.
Another collection I saw mentioned earlier in the thread but in case it was missed these are BSD license, and it has some dealing with chords https://github.com/jhoar/AmalgamatedHarmonics
I believe Mutable has a rule about how many hardware units sell before they go open source. Given that Blades and Beads are going to sell out for awhile, it should just be a matter of time.
Adding my voice to the Instruo requests. I’d also like to see the MixMaster mixers from MindMeld.
RE: Vult and Chronoblob - is there any way we can support those developers in porting their plugins over to miRack?
Instruo and Vult are modules I use all the time in VCV Rack and I feel like I could fully shift over to miRack once they are ported. (Chronoblob too but there are other options I can get by with)
The Fehler Fabrik, Rackwindows, RJModules and Voxglitch modules would be a great addition.(all open source) +1 for Greyscale modules especially Supercell. Also drum modules like SV Modular, Befaco Kickall and Fehler Fabrik psi op would really expand the percussion capabilities.