Mirack new user - question about plaits

Hi there new user here.
i am pretty blown away from the fact that I am able to use a version of vcv on ipad. Being able to touch the modules is really awesome!
I am using ES-8 along an ESX-8GT and 4 ESX-8CVs and an ES6. Combining miRack with aum for recording es8-es6 inputs is mindblowing. I used to use a mac mini along with ableton or max msp for this reason which is far less intuitive than using miRack for this purpose. I really can’t believe that I missed miRack for such a long time. Well done to the creator!
Now my question for the macro oscillator 2(plaits) is about the editing of lpg response/decay. it doesnt seem to work when I choose this option in options menu of plaits. In VCV the knobs turn into blue and depict the lpg response. Is this a bug in miRack?

They do work but without the visual changes, like when you select the option in the sub menu you can now control the lpg but the knobs won’t change

Thank you very much. I was messing with the upper knobs instead!

I wasn’t actually aware about the problem with knob colours, I’ll have a look for the next update.

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