Link module broken?

Hi, it seems the Link module stopped working recently.
Sorry I am not sure which Beta version as I haven’t used the Link function for a few weeks now.

Ok as I was writing I thought it best to check if there is a new Beta and there was.
Unfortunately the problem is still there and now also the Holonic Source (auto discovery etc) is no longer working , it was fine in the last Beta.
If I can help…?

Mark/ Holonic Systems

p.s. using iPhone 11 / iOS 14.0 / watchOS 7.0.1

I have been using the Appstore version on my iPad since I posted this with no problem.
We have customers preparing performances etc and advised them to switch to the AppStore version until it was fixed.
Unfortunately there was apparently a new version pushed out overnight which has now broken the Link and Holonic Source.
May be its the auto discovery thats broken?


I’ve let you know on Twitter, posting here for others.

Unfortunately there’s a problem with Link and Holonic Source modules in version 3.52 when running on iOS 14. I’ve uploaded an update that should fix it, hopefully it will become available on the App Store soon.

In the meanwhile, as a workaround for Holonic Source module, manually set the IP of the device running miRack and port 9000 in app. As a workaround for Ableton Link, if you have AUM or AudioBus apps, you can run miRack via them (as IAA or AUv3 node), this way Ableton Link will be able to connect and work.

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