Eurorack Hardware Integration (General Discussion)

And one more, snapped with more of a closeup on what it’s doing in mirack.

The higher I set my audio buffer the bigger the gaps in the waveform… I’ve tested with several lfo’s from several modules inside & outside my case, same issue.

I’m seeing exactly the same effect/waveform in miRack and VCV when increasing LFO frequency, see the video. Or I did I not quite get what you’re talking about? (I’ve increased the number of images per post also.)

No I dont think you understand, that’s the same 50hz lfo from maths to the es-8 in all the shots, Im using audulus/mirack on ipad and vcv on my laptop for all those shots. Mirack on ipad is the only one that drops parts of the lfo like in the last shot In posted. Does that make sense?

Is as if mirack is periodically dropping input from the es-8 to 0V. The drops are effected by changing sampling rate.

Ok thanks I’ll do more testing now. It doesn’t seem to be happening for me.

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Ok well it’s not an issue with my es-8 from my testing, this is on ios 14.4, ipad pro 12.9"

VCV rack on desktop macos, and Audulus on the same ipad are taking in/displaying those signals just fine through the same interface.

Here is a shot of what happens when the sample rate is reduced, even stranger! This isn’t a bipolar lfo… Thanks for taking a look