Could you implement an option to display values when we turn potars or faders please like in VCV
Because for now is very rough
Example for precisely tuning OSC.
perhaps something like a pop-up when tripple tapping a knob/slider?
Some way to enter precise values. That would be nice.
this is muuuch needed!!! if not a way to enter a value: like tap+hold on a knob then a numeric keyboard pops up… then or at least the numerical value could be displayed in the header while you are adjusting a knob… the latter at least seems a simple enough implementation…
I wasn’t aware it is not possible to enter exact values before I bought miRack and must say I am really upset this function doesn’t exist. That seems necessary to me and I hope it will soon bé implemented.
Yeah this is really needed. Long pressing on the control for an input to pop up feels the most intuitive.
This feature would be very useful! And maybe like in vcv it would be fantastic if we could enter hz while tuning oscillators.